Running your massage business should be as smooth as your treatments. Learn and develop business skills with The RMTpreneur with our e-courses.

"I went from feeling frustrated to empowered that I had the skills to grow my practice"

- Katie Skyvington, The Travelling Physio

online courses RMT
Emilie McKay, RMT

Hi, I’m Emilie McKay

I love helping people. That's why I became a massage therapist, and probably why you did too. In fact, you probably didn't become a massage therapist because you love business.

Well lucky for you I do love business. From operations to finances, strategy to marketing, human resources to leadership, I love it all. I've dedicated most of my career as a RMT to building these skills and accumulating knowledge about how these concepts apply to the massage therapy industry.

These e-courses, along with my business and career coaching, are the result of both my passions: business and helping others.